Accruent Meridian Enterprise Server 2019 Administrator's Guide

Viewing and editing an import package

You can view the configuration of import packages, their contents, and their import status. You can change a limited number of the properties of an existing import package.

Note    You must have the View permission in the import profile that is assigned to this package in order to view the package. You must have the Create and edit permission in the import profile that is assigned to this package in order to edit the package.

To view or edit an import package:

  1. In the right sidebar, click Import Packages. The Import Packages page appears. The packages that are listed depends on the status filter that is selected in the left menu.
    • To filter the package list to show only import packages with a different status, click a filter in the menu. The page refreshes to show only the import packages with the selected status.

    The columns of this page show the information described in the following table.

Import packages view columns
Column Description


Name of the import package as specified by its creator.


Current import status of the import package. The possible values are:

  • Aborted – Import stopped by a user
  • Closed – Closed by a user
  • Imported – Has been imported as described in Importing an import package
  • Import Failed – Import stopped by the system due to an error
  • Importing – Currently being imported into the vault
  • Ready For Import – The system has verified that the user account and password specified in the import profile can access the source of the documents
  • Received – Created but not yet imported
  • Scanned – Has been scanned as described in Scanning an import package
  • Scanning – Currently being scanned
  • Scanning Failed – Scanning stopped by the system due to an error

The icon of the import package indicates its status graphically.


Name of the import profile assigned to the import package.

Meridian Vault

Name of the vault specified in the import profile to which to import the contents of the import package.


Date the import package was received by Meridian Enterprise Server.

  1. To view detailed information about a package:
    • Click the row of the import package that you want to view. The properties of the package appear read-only in the right pane. Each property is described in the following table.
  2. To edit or process a package:
    •  Click the icon of the import package


    In the toolbar, click Open.

    The Overview page of the import package shows the properties described in the following table. Depending on the current state of the import package, some of the properties may not be visible. You may only edit the properties in the GENERAL group.

    The current state of the package in the overall import workflow is highlighted in the timeline at the top of the page.

Import package properties
Property Description



Name of the import package.


Description of the import package.

Import Profile

Name of the import profile assigned to the import package.

To view and edit the assigned import profile:

  • Click MANAGE. The Overview page of the import package opens, where you can change it as described in Creating an import profile.


Updated documents

The number of documents in the destination vault that were updated by the import package.

New documents

The number of new documents created in the destination vault.


The number of documents in the import package that failed to import.



The number of documents that were scanned successfully.

Document rows

The number of rows found in the package metadata that can be scanned.

Matching documents

The number of documents in the destination vault that match the metadata in the package.

New documents

The number of new documents that will be created by package.


The number of rows in the metadata that were skipped due to property validation or other errors.


Source metadata

MS Excel workbook file that contains metadata about the documents in the import package. The column data in this file will be assigned to the imported documents. For information about the structure of this file, see Creating an import profile.

To download a copy of the metadata:

  • Click DOWNLOAD. The file downloads to your browser.

Source address

Source of the document content files to import with the metadata.
  1. To change any of the properties in the GENERAL group:
    1. Click Edit in the GENERAL group. The <PackageName> dialog box opens, where you can change the available properties.
    2. Click SAVE.
  2. To view the metadata of the documents in the package:
    •  In the menu, click DOCUMENTS. The Documents page for the import package appears and shows the metadata contained in the MS Excel worksheet for each document of the import package.

    To sort, rearrange, or filter the data in the columns, see Changing the column layout.

    To view all of the system and metadata information for a particular document:

    • Select the document in the list. Its details appear in the right pane.